Question: What scares women about porn.
1. They've seen marriages destroyed because of addictions to it. The amount of threads we see about it on a regular basis are evidence of just how far reaching these addictions are. EXAMPLE: A couple I know with two teenagers love one another very much. I think highly of both of them. The husband became addicted to porn and, after repeated warnings from his employer, he lost his extremely well-paying job and had to take a job he hated to support his family. He, his wife and their children were completely humiliated because it was a small town and most of the people worked at the same factory where he worked, and pretty much everyone knew why he lost his job.
2. Many women have been degraded and abused because they were led to believe that "everybody does it", and they went along with things they knew would scar them either physically or emotionally for life because they loved a guy who didn't love them back, even within marriages, as some of the ladies here have shared. Few women don't know someone who's fallen for this. And the young ladies who are afraid don't want to be next.
3. As Seoulsearch said, self-esteem issues are a BIG DEAL for many women. Yes, we know men have them too, but there aren't nearly as many airbrushed men on tv/magazine covers as there are women. There aren't nearly as many cover-to-cover magazines, websites, etc. that show "perfect men" as there are allegedly "perfect women". It wouldn't really matter even if that weren't the case because most women are not as visually stimulated as most men are. One of the morning news programs just last week reported that 70% of men said they would leave a spouse who got fat if they could. Even in these threads, how many men will honestly say that looks aren't a priority (but I've seen women say it too in all fairness)?
4. Innocent young ladies see what goes on in porn and think...I don't know how to do that. I don't know if I can do that. That looks painful. Will I be expected to know this stuff by my husband? If I don't do something right, will he still love me? That looks disgusting and I don't ever want to do that. That can't be pleasant.
Lastly, the same reason this thread was necessary. The world took something awesome and made it seem dirty, as it does with pretty much everything else God made. A lot of young ladies have the unhealthy notion that if they are curious or interested in having a healthy sexual relationship with their spouse, there must be something wrong with them. Hopefully, the Genesis 2 scripture and Song of Solomon will blow that notion out of the water and more marriages will be healthier as a result. GOD SAID that woman would DESIRE her husband.
Now that we've answered the guys' questions about porn, I have one for the guys that I know is on the minds of alot of women. If porn is so great, why are there so many threads about wanting to overcome addiction to it?