Corinth was like where I live, and I cant really get away from it.
I have been to smaller towns, but I also know smaller towns have their problems too (everyone knows everyone elses business, narrowmindness, shunning, nothing much to do, drugs and poverty etc) so its not like they are any better just because they are smaller its more the measure of their faith
The mission field is wide open its just there are way too many different church 'options' in the city and mostly people are new believers not ones that have three generations of them and all the traditions that go with that.
Independent churches I find can be a bit prideful on how they are this unique special church though nobody stays in it for long except the pastors own family. Well it is easy to stay in church if you were literally BORN in one. But my born again experience didnt happen in church it was in my own room.
I sometimes say to the Lord am I really part of the body of Christ or am I like a finger nail thats always getting cut off? Or maybe an appendix, that you might not miss or even know its there until starts playing up or something. Like a canary in the goldmine. So do I really need to go and join one
I know some people just go to church in order to get married and then it will be you are obligated to belong because your spouse goes. But I dont think thats a reason to go, maybe I am just too independent?
I was never really raised to be married being a sort of unwanted extra child. Its not like my dad would ever walk me down the aisle since hes never been interested in church anyway.