Random thought, but... Ever notice how people in breakups victimize themselves or enemize their ex-partner so often? Why do we do that? I can't say I've ever really thought about a failed relationship with contempt...just sadness, usually. I just don't get it, I suppose. I realize some people do this as a coping mechanism, but I feel like it's foolish. Why turn to anger as your comfort? Why cause further harm to yourself and others? It doesn't fix anything... It just makes it all worse.
Defense mechanism. Things didn't go the way I wanted them to. Someone must be blamed. I can't bear the thought that I might have done this to myself. Therefore the other person must have been a horrible person to ever get into a relationship with me and then not see it through. I would imagine it is worse with those who have engaged more in the verbal promises or physical acts that indicate commitment because that leaves a person feeling lied to. It's common to hear people say things didn't work out, but the truth is that it was up to the two people in the relationship to decide whether they were going to make things work out or if it just wasn't worth it. In a breakup, someone decided that it just wasn't worth it (perhaps correctly, but that doesn't lessen the emotional cost).
I would like a woodland princess type wedding dress. The lady I support loves watching TLC and Say Yes To The Dress and wedding shows. So now I'm looking XD Just need the guy so I can buy one (kidding!) oh man winter weddings would be Heaven or Fall weddings Oooo that would be nice. Fall forest LOTR wedding. Woot woot. Minus the pointy ears, dwarves, orcs and swords.
No swords? But they could all hold them up and do an honor guard type thing for you. And you are so racist, not wanting all those other races like dwarves and orcs and pointy eared people there. They're people too you know

Also, I will not be coming if you have an outdoor winter wedding, especially if it is in a place that frequently gets snow.