we all are 'wretched,' Paul tells us, not one of us are 'good,' Paul tells us, in Romans 3
. But, by Christ, by His 'stripes,' we are healed. Covered. All our sins that we did do, are doing, and , will do, we are covered by the precious blood of the Lamb . Redeemed, too, by that blood, SearchHisTruth.
mom's getting CAT scan today and seeing if cancer still there, she's been through cancer 5 times in the past 22 years and God's got her through every time. Praise Him ! This time is the most severe, she's been given a 25% chance to live for more than six months. She's had one chemo treatment this time and they are seeing if it's doing any good. The scan's today, the resultes won't be known for a few days. Please keep my mom in your prayers. God bless you all, let your prayers all be known to Him, He is there, He will heal, pray for His will done and for His glory shown through whatever the situation is, all glory to God. Jesus, be glorified, be glorified, through this all I pray, amen. When you guys put requests on here, I am always praying for you, sickness, surgery, self stupid doing thinking, whatever, I'm lifting my prayers to HIM for you . The Lord leads