I carried my dog outside and set her down to go to the bathroom and she wouldn't go in the one spot I put her so she move 5 feet and went pee their then to do number 2 she thought she needed to walk across one grassy area in the weeds to another despite her hurt leg. I thought that was positive because if her leg was that hurt she would have done number 2 right close to where she did number 1 . We will see how she is in the morning, I gave her some aspirin for inflammation that must be there somewhere. She's a tough girl, she has not whimpered even once, hard to tell she's hurt except the way she limps.
God is good. His way's are true and best for us and He leads us, could be sprain or bone bruise but she didn't say anything when I felt on her hurt leg so nothing tender there. And if it was a tendon ruptured, she would not walk on hurt leg at all according to what a website said and it could still be a ligament issue too. If she doesn't show some improvement walking tomorrow I will take her to vet. It seems like one other time she was limp one day, but was hurt front leg, but, after a day, or, not even that, she was back to normal.
She was hit by a car once, back five years ago when she was two. Someone came over to me after hitting her and said 'She just ran in front of the road and I hit her. She's probably hurt from that internallly. She hit the car pretty hard and the road outside my place at that time was a 4 lane 50mph speed limit, so, cars are moving pretty fast going past there.
She was still moving okay though and I said, 'Thanks for letting me know.'
I then watched her a few minutes and she started slowing down, completely. So, I took her and put her in a dog crate and was not sure what to do. I know, I know, I should have taken her to a vet then. but, I figured she was just dying and I was poorer than a churchmouse and I just figured that I would go run some errands and come back and she would have peacefully died. She , throughout this entire time, didn't even do as much as a wimper. She just was lying lifeless in that crate and I was sure she was going to die.
I came back in two hours and she was wagging her tail at me, thumping it against the side of the crate. I let her out and she bolted out, GOD AS NEW .
But, there's a reason she was good as new and in that mistyped word you can see that I was praying to God for healing for my girl when I put her in there, 'God, I love my dog, you gave me my dog, please, Lord, please. They will be done.'
God answers prayer.