When we say to ourselves, 'I am a weaker man,' that's when God gives us stength that unbelievably strong, that will do wonders, miraculously so, in our eyes even, I believe, but, ONLY, if we have faith in Him, in His leading, in His strength to change situations that otherwise seem bleak or of despair, of a dreary road that brings us to the edge of wondering if God is there. Let's all pray we don't go that way, for that's, actually, a wide way, that, at first, seems paved with gold and wondrous happiness, that fills our soul, links us with everything that seems good, but is not, at all, that is going to take us from Him, from His wings, from His ways, from His life for us. Oh, yes, Scripture is clear, God will come looking after His sheep. Stay His sheep, then, this says, to me.
That's what Jesus asked of Peter for if Peter loved God...
"Do you love me , Peter?"
Peter, 'Yes, Lord, I love you.'
Jesus: 'Feed My sheep. Tend to my sheep.'
In order for us to love God, we have to attend to others needs this says, it's words from one of the ends of the gospels, I would post it now for you but got to do some work stuff, already been to the veterinarian, the leg was no better after yesterday for my dog so I took her to get x-rays. Diagnosis is a partial tear of the ACL but there is still room for prayer, I appreciate your prayers, it could be a full tear and that would be something to really pray about if you could, that it's not a full tear but too that 'Thy will be done.' It's serious if its a full tear, I think. I've never dealt with things like this before. I don't even know how she hurt herself but she did and the Lord leads. We must take care of it as he leads me.
Prayers a lot lately , the Lord's moving in my life in this way, good. I KNOW, that He is there, never will leave me or forsake me and always provides for me.
Really streaming the thoughts today, OK, I am doing work stuff while she sleeps from shot that sedated her for x-rays. Then icing the next couple days and praying for God's hand in this, there's a reason for all things, and, they are His reasons, and, if we give God all the glory, it's going to be doing what Scripture says to do. From this, I find joy, God bless you, all