The scars of our lives are there to remind us of our hopes of Him having made us stronger. Scar tissue is tough stuff, I've heard its tougher than even the skin that was once there . There's something to that, if true, it tells us about our great God creator who, in our times we mess up, we humans, all of us I'm speaking of now--I'm not singling out Christians just, but Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, ALL religions--have a God that heals us greatly in our lives, just talking of what is right BEFORE our very eyes (baby, what a big surprise !) , living in Chicago, Houston, LA, Timbuctu (Africa), Nepal, Peru, Shanghai, wherever on this planet of 9 billion, God's got a GREAT way of healing us that is not even needing faith, except in the intricate way He has used to 'scar' us that we MUST believe is His doing and not evolution's. That's all, right before my very eyes !
Wow ! That's the very real God we serve, showing a great care of us right there in that small 'footprint' of design.
Reminds me this morning of 1 Peter 5:7 "Case all yours cares (scars, can we say?) on Him, for He cares for you."
ok, some other thoughts:
great, catherdingsheepherdermusician, that's great what you said about church Sunday
arwenbaggins: this God you serve is bigger than all that thinking, infinitely bigger, He has bigger thoughts, the biggest ! Not exaggerating either. That's the Truth. Well, hmm, He has the perfect thoughts for you, just renew your mind in Him daily, before gettting up, faith in Him, milady, OH! it goes so far, like scaling Mount Evererest, or, at least, moving it, if you can't scale it
julieannie's words of wisdom in recent posts for arwenbaggings shine, reach far, there's faith seen in those words she said, words like, "God's teaching me," those are 'great' words, not in a superlative (good, better, best) sense but in a spiritual sense, as in 'Great is the Lord.' Don't 'dread. Don't be caught up in what I will call 'false love (sex),' for it's truly DEAD, not judging, not trying to. Just saying that a real God-sent man into a ladies life will make 'sex' such a difference, man who will NOT have sex with her until marriage. That's tough to be strong through that thought even.
But, yes, julieannie IS giving God all the glory here ,and, praise, both of which He is worthy of, only Him. So, IF you are going to praise someone, STOP! Give that glory to God, I mean, sure, tell that person, 'I'm really thankful for you in my life, i just see the great power of God so much, it floors me.' That's what iTore can say for those helping him with things troubling him with job, living, etc.
littleChristOne --God is our great healer, GIVE your hand hurting to Him, He will take care of it, I KNOW He will. I've got/had many ailments and I just don't think about them, I just go on. God gets me over them and He gets me over them because I get my mind on Him, moving forward by an unyielding faith in Him. Keep, daily, through life's trudges, pressing ON with Him, cuz going about things any other way would just be.... Wrong. Keep pressing on, pressing on............. REly ON Him. In Christ alone, find your everything. Trust, hope......
Give Him your Sunday, hope/pray we all did

But, also, all week long, rest in Him, think of the pastor's sermon, how God spoke to you through it

God will help you, just give that sermon to Him
So, Sunday is not ALL DAY LONG, but ALL week long. Just get up and devotions daily a GREAT start, first, but , then, just go about your day with His leading, just doing what we all are doing and that's 'suffer' for His sake. Christ says that's how it's gonna be. Reminds me of a song, 'Howz it gonna be?' But, yeah, that's secular, GET into the spiritual, with your kids, with your family, with YOURSELF. We are to love others as thyself. Love yourself and love yourself with His Love, which is a Love that's speaking of not mere words, or, thoughts, or, even, actions spiritually following, but by an all-encompassing faith in Him. The Lord leads.
Homewardboundings says a lot of good things too. give His words a wise listen from him
Sorry, if I say too much, say too little, just speaking my thoughts and just get out there and do things, and, like catty says she's doing, 'going running,' I think I heard her say, JUST get yourself on a plane with God somewhere He taks you, going to His 'dimension.'
His dimension is a spiritual dimension, it is AWAY from the flesh and blood that we are in, which we ARE all 'in' on Earth. And, yeah, just get with Him, remembering all those things done/doing are COVERED by His blood and with His power we can be turning away from those things that RUN our lives into a place, into a ground, that is found in Satan's lair, which is, even, a ground 'upstairs' in THIS world now, in his daft, dark, abyss,so, YES, turn away, turn-turn, turn, AROUND, for, for, for, FOR the sound of our Lord calling you, calling you, calling you to come BACK to Him, or, just, remember, that you are His, cuz ya forgot for a bit !
We all 'forget,' but, thank God ! He NEVER forgets only ONE thing--His sheep, He will never leave them or forsake them, whom He Loves, whom YOU have committed your life to. Your are His, because of His grace, and, His mercies are new every morning