Do you have fluorescent orange or fluorescent green? I need to blind a few people.
Are you kidding? We're gonna do a fluorescent rainbow!!!
I don't wear nail polish anymore because my nails just get torn up at work, but when I did, it was back in the day before nail art exploded. Colors like blue and purple were hard to find, and people would look at you funny (labeling you as "bad" or "questionable") if you did.
I used to paint one hand green and the other hand purple (kind of like the Joker.) I also did a pastel rainbow (different color on each nail) for Easter. The only people that appreciated mixed colors like that were people my own age.
All the adults thought it made you some kind of weirdo.
#GoBig or #GoHome.
And for your information, Roh, when it comes to blinding people with fluorescents, I was the queen, seeing as I got into the "fluorescent clothes" trend BIG TIME. (Pink and lime--at the same time--were my favorite back then.)