Hey guys. I know, its been foreeeeever since I logged in and I pulled a nukepooch. Hope you guys are all doing well. I moved like twice I think since I was last here? Taking care of a family member right now.
I also lost my cellphone awhile back and lost all of my contact info for those of you I talked to on the phone. I told the pippinator about it on Skype a couple months ago and hope she passed the word along. All of my freetime the past few months was entirely devoted to getting the Trump train going and making the Don Teflon.
Life in general has been very rough for me recently, all kinds of chaos.....but this election season has been something. It has been true blue, bottom of the barrel mud slinging blood sport and I looooved it. I have never laughed harder in my life. I am no longer doing anything as far as that goes, making the GOP bend the knee was the only goal my gang really had and thats done and over with now.
That means I can start making internet time again. I still won't be around much but hope to get back in the CC Rhythm again. Whats new with all you guys? How many OG's are stll here? Oh and for any new people around, hey