Praying for your mom and family in Phillipines, HisLoveneverfails, and, agreeing with littleChristone and jillly in prayer. God will find a way when there seems to be no way. He thinks in ways we cannot see, does things for us entirely, yes, He will find a way for your family

is it weird i stare at people all day just so i can tell everything about someone when i fist meet them.?
Nah, maybe, a bit psychotic, but, weird, is it weird, the word, 'weird,' ? Nah. Maybe a bit psychotic and schizophrenic but, 'weird,' nah, not one bit
OK, that was being funny, thanks for the opportunity. The Lord leads. But, yeah, here now is a serious question: Why are you staring at people all day just so you can tell everything about them?
Keep in mind, Scripture is clear, we can do nothing without God. And, just in case you think 'nothing' means something, it doesn't. I mean, you can not do anything of your own accord, not successfully, anyway. Remember, whatever you do, even if you're staring at people all day, give that glory to God and if you are thinking your are finding out something about someone from staring at them, go up to them and say, 'I just thought you could use a friendly hug.' And, then, wait, a second, and, if they say 'ok,' or, remain without fists suddenly flying at your face, then, HUG THEM
I biked today for a total of...drum roll please...30 minutes, at around 24 mph!

(Granted, it's one of those old-fashioned exercise bikes that don't have much resistance...but I don't care. I'm still proud of myself.

TODAY, the REC ROOM, TOMORROW, the Tour De France !!
That sounds pretty impressive in all seriousness, littleChristone, 24mph held pretty steady for 30 minutes, that is an extremely fast speed. That's athletic talent there, in fact, I'm not much of a bike rider but, yeah, that's a fast clip for 30 minutes straght, I think. God gives us strength, there are times of my life where I just did things, athletically, that I normally did not do. This was God showing me things.

I'm not sure what God shows you from going at a 24mph clip for 30 min straight on an excercise bike, but, the Lord leads, He knows, be open to where He has you go 'running and not growing weary and wakling and not fainting.'