I saw that. It was a cute movie

Made me a big fan of Anne Hathaway.
I think the movie tries to show how different the older generations' world was compared to the current generation. When I was growing up, nobody owned a computer, most women were stay-at-home moms, families only had one car and one television, everything was done manually. If you wanted to heat up leftovers you had to grab a pan and heat it on the stove and make sure you don't burn it. If you wanted to call someone they had to be at home because there were no answering machines yet.
People worked hard too. Even if you worked in an office you had to either use a typewriter or pencil and paper and you can't go back and fix typos or edit what you wrote on a typewriter unless you want a nice blob of white goo (white-out) to show on your page.. you had to start over.