Lately (ever since I met this Christian girl who told me she loved me right off the bat) I've been discerning everything I come across. Every thought, every sighting, every feeling, every word I hear,.. I process and analyze what I should do about it. More often than not, it's nothing. Sometimes, I get the feeling that I should do something about a thought, emotion etc,.. A very strong feeling (as if from God). But generally, if I get that kind of feeling, I do my best to remain passive and see what happens. If nothing, then the feeling goes away. It's tough though because in my nature, I want to do what I cannot for my will is limited. For instance, I want to do something but I can't because I don't know how to do it. So then, there are those times when I get the feeling that God is calling me to do something, yet I don't know what it is. All I know is the first step. And that is to trust that He will take care of it regardless of if I ever find out what it was He called me to do. His will is sovereign so I have no choice but to trust that whatever it is He wills for me to do about something, it will be done even if I know it or not. Yes, sometimes not knowing is a struggle but as I explained; when I don't know, God reminds me that I don't need to know. If it's meant for me to know, I will know it. The thing about this is that I had a feeling about this girl who said she loved me, I didn't know what feeling it was because it wasn't just one feeling. Confused maybe? Anyway, when that happened, I was very troubled. As I did not know why God willed for that girl to say those things to me and to make me feel that way. So I remained passive and discerned what the possible outcomes may be, if God willed for it to progress and we engage in conversance, then it would happen somehow. Though now, as I remain passive, I get the feeling that God did not will for that to happen, as it has not happened. I do not rule out the possibility that it may still happen, but now I will not that it may happen for it seems it is only my will for it to happen. If I will that which God has not willed, then I am deceiving myself,.. So I use discernment between my will and God's will. My will is not always what God wills, no. But when it is, I know because God enacts His will and my will is harmonized to His and it comes to pass exactly how it should. So now, I will not to pursue feelings for this woman, as God has convinced me that it is not His will. As a human being, I am constantly encountering different thoughts, emotions and people in general. So I must continue to discern everything as if I am in a war zone. It is true, what paul speaks of about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the discerning of spirits is a gift indeed. It remains, that I discern spirits daily. So as to date, I discern that there is one spirit that is in keeping with God's will, His spirit. He does not guide me toward a spirit that is not His. His spirit is in me and He enables me to discern if His spirit is in someone else. How do I know if it is His spirit in someone? By the harmonization of spirits in Truth. There is one who I know of that I feel I am being drawn towards that has His spirit. Until I know for sure, I continue to pray and discern the will of my spirit in this alongside what His spirit may be willing in all this,..