I'm not saying much on here right now, at all. The Lord leads. 'Narcisstic,' facebook, eh, ItoreHis. LOL.
On that latter note, I just think wherever God has us, as Christians is good, it's His way for us, and, yeah, it might seem narcisstic to be posting things on Facebook, but, so many are not Christians and don't search for Him anywhere but Facebook, so, you just might be the only Jesus they ever see, respect, too. Remember, Jesus, in His own hometown, had to leave, because fruit could not be produced, His own friends and family were not receptive to His teaching in Nazareth.
Good words from all of you, I laugh reading your posts, learn things too, as He leads me. But I am, as I said in another post a day or two ago, for the most part, just only PMing for now with someone, but, the wise words, once again, of Homewardgoing bound on my heart to tell you all to never forget appreciation in your life for our Saviour, for He does hear our prayers, know our thoughts, and, even more so, He is the only one who knows our very deepest kept secrets that are so wrapped up tight by us, that no one else knows, but us, and, Him--they are for us both to know inside us, only, where He and we abide, in our heart.
The Lord leads, express everything to Him, for He already knows every expression that makes you you
A hawk is screeching outside my door now, what a beautiful sound from the Saviour is that sound, that shriek ! Praise God for all the sounds of life that He gives you, and, oh, don't forget, to thank Him, too
12,229 posts ! and counting. To think, dkfisherman, and, pickynicky and graceHisrain were all having fun to see who would get the 10,000th post a month ago about . A month !!! People get to work, I want to see the 20,000 post by St Patricks Day (March 17th I think it is)
And, mizcris, i just looked a couple pages back and no you posted, hope pray all ok

, you are so dear and near on little green man here's heart, I am praying sooo much for you and your husband and children and all around you, He is with you, never forget. The Lord leads. ". you follow me." God bless you, young lady