I feel so unbelievably bad. Guilt feeling in my throat. It's hard to sleep. And I don't know how to fix it
Recently the individual that I support has been yelling bloody murder when getting changed and having to roll from his side to his back. A co-worker thinks it's a new fear that has developed. I think he's on to something. It's like he has developed a fear of falling. That he cannot see the bed behind him so he thinks it's not there and he will fall off the bed.
I think I am the reason to why he has developed it, and I feel SO bad. The individuals at a new day program that I have been taking him to, have these large bean bags on the floor that they can be put on as a way to get them out of their wheelchairs and relieve pressure. And me and him were sampling different things to do, and I figure we could try it. So I put him on it.
But I think that because it was close to the floor, it caused a fear to develop. Perhaps, he fell at one point in his childhood and it rehashed that fear. Now he yells in terror and I have no idea what to do

He has to have personal care. My manager is on holidays, we need some sort of intervention ASAP. It most likely have to be meds, a sedative of some sort. I don't know if any psychological help would be enough