I truly wish I had your passion. Right now mine has been puffed out...and in a lot of areas. =\
When I read that post I thought the same thing,..."I want that to happen with me,..."
I was going to put something encouraging here, about how to make that happen, or something,..But,...I have no idea.
I want that too. Really bad. That's all I can say.
Haha, the thing is, my posts that are passion driven may portray my life to be a certain way, but the fact that my life is so messy drives me to that place of neediness for God. If you are spiritually hungry, if you truly say within yourself, 'I want to be more passionate, God,' then that mere confession in itself becomes the invitation for more. He knows the desires of our hearts and would want nothing more than to stir and awaken your hearts to a new level of His love.
If I have learnt anything, it is that when you come to Him honestly, humbly, with the simplest of prayers but most raw yearnings from the heart, the Lord will respond and ignite the fire in your heart. When ever I give Him my 'little bit', he multiplies is substantially and then adds interest.
And we all go through seasons. Last week I was adamant I'm either going to start turning up to work with my under wear on the outside, or just fall apart. My joy in work seemed to obliterate. But by Sunday night, I don't know, I guess my violin playing was a way of me crying out I needed more, I needed a Saviour, I needed love to win me over again or I couldn't make it. With that, the Lord responds, joy was restored, strength was returned and passion re-ignited.
It wasn't that I 'tried' or went and did 'extra'. It was an act of surrender. It was being honest about where I am and who I am, but most of all, remembering who HE is.
I hope that helps.