* What are some things you know you're notoriously bad at?
I'm bad at almost anything and everything I try
Notoriously bad? Hm...
- Thing requiring fine motor skills (ie the adult colouring books)
- Things requiring strength or balance
* Have you given up on them, or do you still keep trying? Why or why not?
- I still use my colouring book every now and then, it feels almost meditative
- I've had a loong slump in going to the gym... main reason is I hate exercising with others in the room,
and it seems to be downright impossible to find a time when no- ones around.
- I used to fight with swords, but the only ones doing it around here are two hours away by bus,
and it's not during weekends... so four hours lost just to have fun for one hour or two is a bit much
* What other things are you interested in that you suspect you might not be so good at, but you'll still try them anyway?
- To play the piano. I have a keyboard, but I never get around to try and properly learn how to play