* What are some things you know you're notoriously bad at?
First impressions, anything athletic beyond lifting weights, anything requiring good hand-eye coordination, understanding the sense of humor of other people, properly reading body language, baking, electrical work, probably lots more I can't think of right now.
* Have you given up on them, or do you still keep trying? Why or why not?
Pretty much given up. With people especially, it's just too frustrating to try...and fail...over, and over, and over. I'd rather just be a hermit.
* What other things are you interested in that you suspect you might not be so good at, but you'll still try them anyway?
Gardening - it's going alright so far, but I'm not known for a green thumb. I'd LOVE to try tinkering with an old VW to hot-rod it and think I could probably handle most of the work, but maybe not...and then I'd have a big jigsaw puzzle. I'd also like to try martial arts someday - I can scrap in a street fight, but it isn't refined or disciplined.