well I had to give your workin name a bit of depth coz you jus can't be any old panda can you..?😊😊
Yep you do have a natural creative gift which isn't weird in my eyes...more a..
" lovely decorative style of creative art which shows how you can intricately weave forms and shapes into a continum yet maintaining a pattern essence with a flame like magic"
There you go.😊
Thats actually what I saw when I saw your work..
My art style varies quite a bit..did quite a bit of morden art too..and Bob Ross uses a popular style of painting so good that your even has a kind of twist on his...more Intresting...even just glue dry pasta all over it...be free..👏🏻👏🏻
yes I do see you as you showed..but there jus one little snag..
View attachment 223450
Your actually been seen by the general public like this.