I'll say this. I don't date for thrills. It's short-sighted and naive. When I date someone I don't start with the belief that we're going to break up a few months or years down the road. I try to make a relationship work. And I only date women I believe I could make it with. In light of this, it's easy to see why dating someone of a grossly divergent belief system would be unwise. There's going to be conflict down the road. And if you ever want children, who determines the way they believe? The wife or the husband? You or your mate? I'm a Christian, so I say that I want to save their souls. If my wife is an atheist and believes this to be ludicrous it would deeply offend me and make me fear for my children, complicating our relationship. In the end estimate of things, it's at least better to date someone who you can agree with at least in part on your core beliefs.
That's my wisdom. The Bible has its own version.