Perhaps you are getting it backwards...
I have no attitude with your comment Lynx. I think we agree on 90+% of everything else.
It just needs understood, because real people in America are harmed every day and churches each week, while other churches defend the perverts. I don't even think of this Target store issue, except when I run across it in the news. It's really a distraction. There's a lot larger issue that Christians should go to the Bible for their answers. I think this should be obvious, but perhaps not.
A. It is the sodomites who
Burn churches , do violence to children and communities, Not the other way around.
B. Your misquote of Gandhi is not found in any chapter of the Bible. So many false pastors have said, "hate the sin, love the sinner" that Christians quote it as if it was God's Words. Gandhi was a wicked
Hindu pervert and violated his marriage and despised Christianity. The
Fake preachers have cooperated with Gandhi's false doctrines, and made God angry with His people.
Children need churches to protect them from those molesters,
Not brainwash them into thinking that their behavior is acceptable. I'm not saying that you believe otherwise. We just all need reminding from time to time that the liberal churches that push that agenda are usually run by either weak pastors who go along to get along, or by perverts. They endanger the little ones by allowing sodomites to enter their buildings.
Look folks! I've warned a conservative, Bible believing church about this trend. The next time I visited the church, the pastor's daughter ran up to me with tears to tell me how some big butch beat her up in the church parking lot after I warned that place.
I have never heard of that happening in my lifetime. Have you?
That is what God does at the death of the Sodomite. That is why I have offered this following message to them when I see them announce their perversion on the forum.
It's for everyone though.
Please check it out if you haven't already.
The ONLY Solution