.....God never took delight in tearing people down. Sure He told people they were doing wrong, but He also gave them a way to do right. He never soft-pedaled anything, but love has been in everything He ever did. And when a minister gets a message of correction you can tell right away if it's really from God. It may step on your toes a bit if your toes aren't in line with the Bible, but if you get torn down a bit there will also be tools in the message to build yourself back up the right way. And you will NOT get the impression God hates you for being a sinner.......
the sword yahshua hamashiach - messiah savior king friend judge -
instead of peace
as he said,
separated family from family, friends from friends, neighbors from neighbors,
much 'like' (corrseponding) to in th eOT when brothers went through the camp and PUT TO DEATH BROTHERS, directly, immediately, without hesitation >> WITH A SWORD(or other) PUT TO DEATH brother and sister and husband and wife and father and son and daughter >> whoever was GUILTY OF FORNICATING ,
they put them to death then and there , in person, directly, AND GOD BLESSED THEM FOR IT AND MADE THEM PRIESTS.
GOD'S WAYS are not man's ways. the world is entirely in sin, in wickedness, under a DEATH SENTENCE TODAY.
very strict. very merciful. very true. very righteous. "right-ruling", perfect justice and mercy.
so too GOD through JESUS separates us(ekklesia who HE has called and chosen) from our sins and from the consequences of sin; from others who would 'kill us' knowingly or not; from others who would make us stumble, or lose faith, or sin grievously in unbelief, maybe even(as many do) walk AWAY FROM JESUS(like the disciples who walked away from HIM, many disciples who gave up in the NT)....
being saved is not a gentle, mild, easy thing.
it is rough, devastating, embarrassing, piercing the heart or soul/ mind,
realizing how much harm was done ---- mostly that JESUS WAS PAINFULLY CRUCIFIED for the sin....
thus being separated from the sin, confessing and repenting and living right, is excruciating and is suffering and is painful
........................................... when it is true. when it really happens in a person's life ....
it is death to the old self. death to self. death to the world and all the things of the world.
(can't keep anything of the world, be friends with it, and also be a friend of GOD)....
it is freeing, and joyful, and righteous, and eternally rewarding in yahshua - all a gift of yahweh;
and accompanied with tribulation and persecution and being hated by the world(family and friends included; when they are not themselves separated unto God in JESUS)....
the so-called 'soft gospel' or 'easy gospel' or 'cheap grace gospel' in the united states is hypocrisy and is a FALSE GOSPEL......