i'm going to point out i haven't read most of this full thread. only parts of it. so hopefully my "rules" won't be terribly redundant.
a couple of my favorites:
+ even if you're nervous, fake it. give me your best effort of attempting to appear confident. you chose me, i chose you and that should be enough for now.
+ ask me some questions. and when i answer them, look in my eyes (this is not the time to check out my unusual ring, boots, or anything else. and when i ask you questions, don't look around, act put out, or say, "i don't know".
+ generally speaking, don't use our first couple date(s) to detail the long list of things that are (or were) wrong with you. or as i call, leading with your flaws.
trust me, i assume your list of flaws is a long one--probably at least as long as mine. but i don't need to know them all in the first couple meetings, such as the gruesome details of your tumultuous past relationships, the fact that all women have "done you wrong", that you were raised by wolves or that you have a third nipple. please, just keep all that stuff to yourself for now. i beg of you.
+ and if we decide to continue to see each other: stay in touch. send me a funny text. make me laugh. it's nice (and flattering) to know you're thinking of me.
but don't smother me. after all, i can't miss you if you're still here.
+ finally, respect that fact that i'm private. i really don't believe that my "love" life is anyone else's business, and the fact that we're spending time together isn't something i'd really prefer you'd go out of your way to be broadcast,--at least not until we're both prepared to "go public". or returned from our elopement.