Hey Everyone,
Well, I've had this thread idea floating around for a while and this is the 3rd time I've tried to write it--let's see if the 3rd time really is the charm.
In the old system, the polls would allow you to create 40 different answers that I would sometimes use to create a multi-question poll in which people could just vote for their answers--the current system only allows for something like 10 poll answers, so I am going to try writing this out as a regular thread instead.
It's going to be a little more work because people will have to type out or copy/paste the questions and answers, but hey, let's give it a try!
People have often talked about how much fun a real-life CC meetup would be... So in the meantime, how about a virtual pizza party instead? Everyone is welcome to answer, including our married friends who visit us here. I'm going to include a few pre-written answers (just like with a poll) to get the ball rolling and give people some ideas. Feel free to choose any or all of the answers on this list or go ahead and give your own!
If We Threw a Pizza Party in Singles:
1. What Kind of Pizza Would We Have?
A. Pizza Hut.
B. Domino's.
C. Little Caesar's.
D. Homemade.
E. Other (I know there are a hundred different choices--tell us what you like and why in your post!)
2. What Kinds of Topping Should We Get?
A. Sausage/Pepperoni/Bacon (carnivorous.)
B. Onions/Peppers/Mushrooms (herbivorous.)
C. Things That Should NEVER Be Seen on a Pizza! (Pineapple, Anchovies, etc.) Just kidding!! Tell us about a more unusual topping that you happen to like!
D. Other (tell us about YOUR favorite combinations, even if all you like is just plain cheese!)
3. Would You Bring a Date?
A. Yes, my spouse (for our married friends.)

B. Yes--my boyfriend/girlfriend.
C. Yes--I just have to bribe someone into going by telling them there's free pizza.
D. Yes--Does my Grandma/cousin count? Does anyone know what she/he is doing next Saturday?
E. Other--Who would you like to ask if you could? Or, do you feel comfortable just attending by yourself? (Don't feel bad about it--many of us would show up alone -- Seoulsearch raises her hand -- and would be ok with that.)
4. At What Location Should We Host This All-Out Wing Ding?
A. In my church's basement.
B. At a hotel conference room.
C. At Oncefallen's house. (Err... I mean... Oops! How did this answer get here? Hopefully it will be overlooked during the approval process...)

D. Other--where else would you like to see our pizza party held?
All right folks, I'm going to try to keep it simple for now. All answers--both serious and funny are welcome. Depending on how it goes, we might even be able to start other spin-off threads in the future!
Let's have some fun with this and see where it goes!