Hi Hungry!
You make some really good points here that I should clarify a little bit further.
I am by no means saying that "old school tactics" shouldn't be employed--I was just talking about online dating sites as one of the general options. I've pretty much followed all the dating advice that's been given over the years, but I'm one of those strange people who still believes online venues can be a viable option.
I found your statement, "Chances are, if you really are as interesting as your profile... you are taken, or lying to yourself", to be interesting. I can certainly see how many people might assume this.
I've been an active participant of written communication all my life. It started out with writing to pen pals when I was a kid, so I have been writing, and then sometimes later meeting people in person since I was a tween, and that was long before the internet was available to just Google/background check anyone I was writing. This is also why my posts tend to be quite long, because I'm used to writing letters and not 2-word abbreviated texts (which my friends all tease me about!)
When the online world became available, I saw it as an extension of what I was already used to, and have found it to be an invaluable tool for making friends--and maybe someday, "true love".
I know different things work for different people, but the past several years, the online world has been my lifeline for making friends since I was always working, had odd hours, and only seemed to meet people whose only real-life interest in talking was if it gave them a chance to take a break from work. The minute I would ask if they'd like to meet for lunch or any other type of social event (even at church), they'd look at me as if I'd planted a bomb in their car.
(I realize though that it might just be something about me!)
I don't know if I could claim to be interesting or if I'm just fooling myself

, but the best thing about the friends I've made online is that we were all far away from each other to begin with, so whenever my life, situation, job, or hours changes, the friends I've made online are still there, and we still talk regularly.