She doesn't want to stay away from him though. If she wanted to do that she would have just left and this topic would have never existed. Plus it never leads anywhere good if a woman is friends with a guy or a guy with a girl, let's just be frank, one of the two is going to want something more. Also, ending the relationship should really be the last course of action if it cannot be salvaged in any way whatsoever. I mean try to empathize with them both; how would you feel if you were the guy and just like him? Or how would you feel if you were the girl and just like her based on all the information provided? If I were the guy and I been in prison, and I been an alcoholic, and this girl is the only one whoever cared for me, I'd probably be a little possessive too. If I were the girl and I invested so much time and effort into this guy, and I been with him through thick and thin, I'd probably not want to walk away from it so quickly too.