I think the answers will be interesting to read comparing to ages. At almost 40, it seems like the clock is ticking. So 5 years seems like *forever*. At 23 it's like, I won't be 30 yet. Frankly, I didn't think I would live to be 30, so I would have said "Let's live it up people".
What would I say right now? At 35? I have come to the conclusion that I would be ok with that. Even at facing 40 in 5 years. I've been married, and I know what "wrong" is. I can't afford to do that again.
On the same token? I'm not just sitting on my couch cushions praying God sends me someone passively. "Ask, Seek, Knock". That is how my Bible reads to me.
Sara's clock was way past ticking when God told her she was going to have a child at age 90, in fact, Abraham and she laughed uncontrollably at God's announcement of a child in Sara's womb.
Well, God was right.
~~ That said, it makes no difference, you can have kids at 50 and MIRACLES like that have happened in present day america I am pretty sure. God can do anything . That, and, nothing is impossible with God are mentioned phrases almost as much as the word 'money,' in the New Testament. Well, not sure of the comparison count, and, my pastor once said 'money' was mentioned more than any other word in the bible. So..... I am not sure what I am saying by all this. What is this thread about again
___So, yeah, for ladies 35 to wait until 40 and still have their biological clock ticking they wonder, YOU BET!, God can still tick it.
What would I do if God told me, '5 years, green, you will be getting another color in your life?'
Nothing different, just live each day so that I was following His plan, knowing that who would be put in my life would be God's chosen one for me.