I'm not around guys much except from my lil brother and some guy cousins....but it was strange for me once, when I was working at a place called Holiday World....I was sweeping the floors and this other employee walked up and started wipping tables near me. He started a conversation with me asking me if I enjoied sweeping, since I was reallytrying to get every dirty spot I could see. He then continued to walk away and then randomly show up, trying to wipe tables near me...as if he was watching me

I was nice when he talked...and maybe that gave him thoughts that it was ok to hit on me? I donno....I just know that when he said lastly..." what's a pretty girl like you doin on a Sat. night like this. Shouldn't you be out on a date?" I continued sweeping...not really knowing how to respond. and that ended the conversation lol...poor fellow. I've also recently been hit on by some Mexicans who barely know English....I was working at my cousin's grandma's greenhouse, when I started communicating with the Mexicans on a chalkboard. I'd say one looked 26 or 28...while the other looked in his thirties. I was trying to make normal conversation...when they started flirting with me on the board. They was always writing things like Amiga Bonita(pretty friend), la rosa es bonita como tu( the rose is pretty like you), etc etc. They once even wrote in Spanish" I want to be the key to your heart"....I found this EXTREMELY CREEPY....and felt odd when they tried to talk with me. It made it all the more creepy in that...the majoirty of the time when I was around them....it was just me and them with nobody else around...I was almost afraid they'd try to hurt me or something.....but I'm free of them now. YAY! Sweet freedom!