Just out of curiosity, have you ever asked a girl out? I have met many guys that may think a girl is attractive inside and outside and may want to get her know her better but never ask her out. People will surprise you and a person might say yes that you didn't think was going to say yes.
This is a great point. I know there's the fear of rejection, but honestly, that's something that most people fear. But if you never ask, then you never know. Also, the advice about asking questions is graet! I'm also shy, and I struggle with making conversation with someone in person. My last job I worked in a store selling window blinds and shades, and part of what we had to do was get to know the customer. That is even harder, because most people don't want to chat it up with a "salesperson" - they just want you to give them information so they can leave. And some are reluctant. But if you start asking questions and show a general interest in them, they begin talking about themselves and it does ease the pressure.
I also like what Musical said about not thinking what you're going to say next. That should come naturally if you're listening well. And as you keep asking questions, you may hit on a subject where you have similar opinions or similar interests. And talking with someone about things that you're passionate about is easy. Start off with basic, "get to know you" type questions and see how that works.
And then, just pray for God to guide you.