It is sad and quite tragic, too. I do wonder, though, were they to factor in the amount of time women spend with children compared to the amount of time men spend with children, if that would affect the numbers. Especially single moms. Do you know what I mean?
I get ya

45.45% of the ones killed are aged one year or less with 60% of them being male children. I honestly think it may have been this post or maybe another. Anyway I believe the sexual revolution is the big cause of it. Government moved fathers out and became the dad.
As a male one thing I have noticed over the course of my life is women have energy I don't have and women can multi-task. Usually when I say that I get a dozen or so guys tell me they can and maybe they can but I would have to see it to believe it....LOL
Anyway all that to say I think the message telling women they can have it all has not helped. For the reasons I stated women are the original energizer bunny they can just go and go and the fact they can do several things at a time. To me it is emotionally and mentally unhealthy message.
Even in the bible with Martha and Mary Christ had to say sit down and hear the word. I found in my life part of my job as a husband really was protecting my ex from just burning herself out. I do not have the numbers off hand but happiness for women has been dropping for years while it has gone up for men. Which this year or maybe last. Believe the numbers are now men are more happy than women and is a first.
So many other things as well but just touching on this I think when you take a sex the female sex that just has tons of energy and lost how many times in my life when I have called my ma or sisters or female friends. Ask what ya up to and they say sitting down but I should be doing something and feel guilty they are not doing something.
So you take that and mix it with your abilities to multi-task I think you do get burned out cause you are bombarded with the message you can have it all you can do it all. So you try to cause the message says ya can. Think it burns women out gets them frustrated, anxious, and a host of unhealthy emotions. They get unhappy cause they are told they can have it all but that is not their reality.
Mix all that up and the results of the data should not be surprising. The family is under assault men and women as well. They tell one side they can do it all and tell the other they are not needed. The message sinks in and I think tragedy is the natural outcome.