This is quite possibly the most offensive post on all of CC
as a high school girl who does not sin, fornicate or any other kind I want to correct you that Godly people are everywhere as are unGodly
I think it is partially a joke but still have to tell you it's not funny
teen pregnancy is a real issue but guess what the girls aren't getting pregnant with each other
therefore American teen boys who chase girls are just as responsible
your statements imply that it's the girls who should not fornicate
I seriously just learned why you are single
it's the generalizations
there are teen girls of both types everywhere
focus on being Godly and nice and caring and God may send you a woman to love
also you post a lot about wanting a girl
to me that's part of the issue
it comes across as desperate and as if that's your focus
Also you should not be wanting a High School girl from anyplace
If your whole distasteful statement was a joke
now you know something new about girls
we are not humored by such things
saying them will keep you single
Any girls who disagree please correct me
Relax. Seeing as this is directed at me, then I'll correct you (since I know myself better than anyone else here lol)
1. Is this the most offensive post on CC?! No way! Really?! haha You should read the ones directed towards me.
2. So you're a godly teenage high schooler? Great. And you're not a fornicator like the high schoolers that I went with (I didn't fornicate because I was ugly and no girl wants to sleep with an ugly guy lol)? Then great. You have no reason to see yourself in what I've said, then; no not even associate with it.
3. You caught on that it was posted in humor? Bingo. But you didn't think it was funny ... that's fine. It was sort of sardonic, but it carries my opinion of the ungodliness in American public schools.
4. Yes, teen pregnancy is a very serious issue, hence my post.
5. Teen boys are just as responsible? To take care of that baby-- that's what you should mean. Other than that, unless he raped her, then she bears a greater part of being responsible for the sin. There is no use to level the blame here. He can't do anything unless she allows it (unless it's rape, again).
6. My statements imply that it's the girls that should not fornicate? What?! This supposition must have been formed in your anger. Please,
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
7. lol So it's the generalizations, huh? And no other reason? Of course not haha.
8. Sure, and I'm glad that there are both saved and unsaved youth (of course). My post didn't go against young Christian ladies at all, so for you to accuse my words as such is nothing less than calumny. Please, this diatribe directed against me does not help your point whatsoever, but hurts you and your argument extensively.
9. I'm desperate? Uh oh, that term's alittle loaded ... plus, we're getting off topic here haha. But there are actually plenty of desperate guys and girls your age, so go and berate them.
10. lol You thought that I wanted a high school girl? You've spoken far too rashly, young lady.
11. I'm sure there are girls that like what I said; please don't accuse me of generalizing women and then doing the same. You (especially you, being so young) do not speak for every woman alive.