We may all be single, but you guys are so awesome!!
Thanks for making me laugh so hard with all of your comments (who says God doesn't have a sense of humor???)
Just a few of my infamous observations...
So Kuroko... exactly WHAT does your name mean again???!!! (The mods may want to start putting a limit on how much one can type in a single post, it sounds like this may take a while...) If it's any consolation, "Kuroko" kind of sounds like an in-the-making sketch of a new Pokemon character... VERY impressive to the ladies, I assure you.
Nod--if you have a hotline I can call for all of MY issues, please post it--I would be forever grateful (once again, a limit on the length of a single post may come in handy here.)
Calvina--I so hear you, girlfriend!! I love it when people tell us we're too picky for wanting someone with morals and non-illegal hobbies. I'll hear girls say, "Oh, he just smokes a little weed here and there," and I just want to shout, "A 'LITTLE' weed?!!! How about a 'little' prison time, for him AND you, if you're caught as his accomplice??!!!"
I guess if you choose to live your life as a morally responsible, law-abiding Christian, it sometimes means an automatic condition off long-term singleness (we'll just hope it's not a life sentence.)