I have to agree,
its natural for a woman to need a man. (and vice versa). I would give my right arm to meet someone truly decent.
An old world, Old school kinda guy. Who am i kidding? Its a prayer. I've been alone a long long time. I'd love
to meet someone who I could laugh and tickle and tease unmercifully. Someone I could trust and grow old with.
I am almost 50. So its a different mindset at my age..than when i was 25. You change and mellow as you grow older. You learn men? not all are bad. (A LOT are!! , yes) but not all. Some men.. will stand the test of time. (my Dad and mom...50 yrs married) (My brother 19 yrs married). I haven't been so lucky. But I still am in the game. I have hope that one day...someone amazing will come along..and "not complete me" but "ACCEPT ME COMPLETELY", As I would him. When you are young dumb and stupid. You base everything on "looks and appearances" sadly...being shallow. ...is the idiot way of life in youth. Men AND women....both guilty of this.

(i know i was).
But love? is blind. and kinda dumb. (as it should be). How else can someone last...50 yrs with you? ....if they see only the ugly parts of you. Men? some are quite incredible. True blessings in our world. And no.....*NOT ALL GOOD MEN ARE DEAD OR MARRIED*. Some good ones are still out there. And I know this. I just do.
Well...for the naysayers...being cynical will get your a good game of playing cards. SOLITARE. God answers prayer. I believe in the power of love. Its not perfect. Nor are men. (or women). There is no "fairy tale" in life. But i KNOW in my soul...there is someone out there for everyone who searches. If their heart is in the right place.
It's okay..to need someone special. Don't let anyone say otherwise.
Good Luck to all men...and women...in their quest to find love. Don't give up hope!!!!