A human being cannot be a hermaphrodite. This is the online Websters dictionary definition of Hermaphrodite:
Main Entry:her·maph·ro·dite
Etymology:Middle English hermofrodite, from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek hermaphroditos, from Hermaphroditos
Date:14th century
1 : an animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs
2 : something that is a combination of diverse elements
Only Snails, plant life, worms, and some types of fish can be hermaphrodites.
Hermaphroditism in humans never occurs. The closest you can get is ovotestes. But phenotype is not determinable from the ovotestes so you are referring to intersex.
Intersex is a rare condition of variation in sexual characteristics that include chromosomes, gonads, and/or genitals that do not allow a person to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.
Usually, intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia are surgically corrected. Research has shown gender identity of intersex individuals to be independent of sexual orientation though some intersex conditions also affect an individual's sexual orientation.In other words, after surgical correction as infants, the vast majority behave what they are raised to be.
That latter point is disconcerting for it reveals that confusing children as the liberals have set out to do is going to result in a great deal of serious immoral homosexual sinful behavior that, of course, will negatively impact their personality and spiritual condition in dramatically damaging ways. Most will never be the same afterwards nor what they could have been if they hadn't been deceived as children.
Also, you need to understand that while it's true that rarely humans can have some chromosomal arrangements contrary to their phenotypic sex (XX males or XY females), the vast majority that do have them don't even know they do and are not homosexuals.
Often, they are sterile and in all cases, something went wrong. A chromosome didn't cross over or the egg was over fertilized resulting in an extra chromosome, etc... These are birth defects. These are not the people engaging in homosexual behavior currently in our society. Almost all of the people engaging in homosexual acts have either XX or XY chromosomes.
I had a friend long ago, that was a hermaphrodite. Timothy was born with both female and male parts, and back in the early 1940's, they automatically saved the male parts, and made the decision for the person which they would be. Timothy had desires for both males & females. He went through hormonal changes every month, and his dream was to find a mate, like himself. He was a Christian, who had been rejected from every church he had been to, because he was called "an abomination". Why would God call Timothy to Him, if Timothy wasn't loved by the Lord? Remember, the Lord fashioned us in our mothers womb, according the Bible. We are not qualified to judge a person's salvation. Only 1 is.