Lets not jump the gun on wisebeardman. And I wouldn't be calling people out as if their a wolf, that's not your job. (Looking @ Ageofknowledge and Jonahlynx.)
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" -2 Timothy 4:3.
I'm fairly confident no one is trying to actually "download a wife." So yeah, you are literally correct. But given the number of relationships/marriages which have originated through online communication - including those of some users here on CC - your comments just come across as needlessly bitter.
Your ego is just as bad as the rest. And specifically quoting scripture to use it has a backslap to another person, proves to me that you have no idea about the spirit of God either. So don't go quoting scriptures about those who don't endure sound doctrine. Because it seems to me, you aren't enduring sound doctrine either. And that is also, specifically calling other people, "bitter," or forming a gesture that he could be. You're only provoking a situation, and harassing individuals to become offended.
A word of advice... Don't try to make your long-distance girlfriend jealous during a movie date... Her and I were watching a movie last night over Skype, and after it finished, we got into some fun joking around. It eventually got into her doing some playful poking fun at me, but I just felt a little hurt...
Instead of voicing my hurt to her, I decided to lash out at her, with an extremely insensitive joke intended to spark some jealousy in her. It worked... Too well >.<. I am now "in the doghouse", where we won't be able to video chat until Monday! Ugh... Can't it come soon enough? Lol
I will say this though: I accept full responsibility for my absolute stupidity. I also want to apologize to her and promise I will try my hardest to not be so... What's the word... Jerk-ish.
So my lesson to you guys... Be sensitive of each other's emotions and feelings. It is easy to have a foot in mouth moment and hurt someone you care about. Learn from my mistakes!
If she gives you the, "time out" or "dog house" I think you need to start reevaluating the current situation. She doesn't exert authority over you, and give a touch of, "When you can talk to me, and when you can't." Love doesn't look that way. I've been in and out of relationships, and what I've learned is to trust in God for those relationships. Which means, my obsession isn't talking to her, nor is it seeing her before seeing the Lord. And my wife wouldn't give me the doghouse, because if we're upset about something. We speak it, and if someone goes out of line, we are mature enough in God to surrender our emotions and feelings, and still be able to speak our minds and express our hearts.
But for your situation, for her to put you on time out and to tell you when she wants to talk to you again, sounds like a premature development in Christ, and also on you. Rethink where you stand before God, and make sure this is from the Lord. Because overall, you'll just end up hurting yourself, she will end up hurting you, and you will end up hurting her.