Ugh... long distance girlfriend. No thank you. If we can't hold hands, then she's not my girlfriend. Period.
I would only entertain the idea if there was a hope of meeting the person within a very short amount of time.
I would do long distance as in maybe an hour's drive. If i met someone like that on the internet, I'd probably chat with them first for a week or two (maybe three, I'm pretty busy right now and an hour drive each way is a commitment). Then I'd take it from there.
If they were 4 hours away, it's probably still feasible, but not so great.
More than that and someone is going to have to move before the relationship can even get serious. The 4 hour drive is still workable in such a way that you can spend weekends with them and get to know them before one of you has to move.
Me, I like to hug people, so I wouldn't do long distance.
people don't like what I say. why? cause I am blunt and truthful about things. way to many can not handle it they would rather have head in sand in fairy tale land where everything is unicorns farting pixie dust and rainbows.
You're... very blunt tonight, even for you.