I understood the first part. But the second part is playing into the radical, homosexual propaganda that is being put into our children in kindergarten and other grades. Now, you lost me. We are born sinners, OK, I can give you that. Only Jesus Christ can help us to overcome our sinful nature everyday. Are we perfect? No. But no one is born ''homosexual''. If that were the case, God would give an exception. He does not give an exception, in either the Old or the New Testament. The only two options are you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and sovereign Lord or you do not. If you know him, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor (which includes homosexuals) as yourself then you are given free entrance to heaven because of Jesus' blood shed for you on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. God says that your thoughts can be sinful, it is not just an act. In fact, Job mentions this, I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. Before Cain murdered his brother, sin was at his door, he allowed it in and then murdered his brother Abel. Sin begins with one bad thought and then either it is fantasized, meditated on, and/ or even gets acted upon the more one thinks of it. What you just said is not biblical. God bless. Have a beautiful day!