Weird how a topic can come back to life after so many months. Asamanthinketh, you might want to try another font color besides seizure green.
It's unreadable as is. (Although it would probably be a trip to read while high.)
Now, let me clarify upfront before everyone tunes me out that I don't smoke marijuana. I never have. I've never even smoked a cigarette and I've only tasted alcohol twice (and neither time did I get drunk).
Personally, I'm not convinced there is anything inherently wrong with smoking marijuana. However, seeing as how smoking marijuana for recreational purposes is illegal in America (or as far as I know it is for all states), I don't think anyone should smoke it for recreational purposes. We should obey the laws.
Like I said, I've never smoked marijuana, so I don't have any personal investment in this debate. I don't think it's right because I like to do it and want to justify my actions. The reason I don't smoke marijuana is (1) because it is against the law and (2) because I've never had any interest. I also happen to think drinking alcohol is fine and I don't do that either because it just doesn't interest me, even though it's perfectly legal.
One of the main reasons why I don't think smoking marijuana is wrong is because I've never seen a good argument against it and I don't just assume something is wrong until proven innocent, so to speak.
Granted, I don't go around searching for anti-marijuana arguments (why would I?), so maybe there are some out there and I just haven't run across them yet. But usually the arguments reason like this:
In fact, this is just a bad argument.
The fact that marijuana can get you high doesn't mean it always does get you high. Drinking alcohol can get you drunk. But the fact that drinking alcohol can get you drunk doesn't mean it always does get you drunk. You can drink alcohol without getting drunk. Likewise, I assume, you can smoke some amount of marijuana without getting high. Now, having never smoked it, I don't know how much one would have to smoke it before getting high. But I'd imagine that smoking half a joint or even a whole joint isn't enough to intoxicate you.
If a person couldn't take a single puff of marijuana without getting intoxicated then I would agree: Marijuana is bad and shouldn't be smoked at all.
But it looks like the anti-marijuana crowd needs a modified argument:
This argument still looks bad. (6) looks like it's obviously false, insofar as many good things can lead to bad things (and even being intoxicated). For example, sex can lead to bad things, eating can lead to bad things, coffee can lead to bad things, and alcohol can lead to bad things (obviously I don't think there is anything wrong with alcohol, apologies to the teetotalers). But these are not themselves sinful things. Secondly, God created everything, including the marijuana plant as far as I know, and declared it to be good. But if (6) is true then I don't see how the marijuana plant can be a good thing for God to create since the plant has the potential to make you intoxicated.
Of course people may have responses to what I've said, but I think I have responses to those responses. Not something I really care about either way, just thought I'd throw in my two-cents for fun.
Now, let me clarify upfront before everyone tunes me out that I don't smoke marijuana. I never have. I've never even smoked a cigarette and I've only tasted alcohol twice (and neither time did I get drunk).
Personally, I'm not convinced there is anything inherently wrong with smoking marijuana. However, seeing as how smoking marijuana for recreational purposes is illegal in America (or as far as I know it is for all states), I don't think anyone should smoke it for recreational purposes. We should obey the laws.
Like I said, I've never smoked marijuana, so I don't have any personal investment in this debate. I don't think it's right because I like to do it and want to justify my actions. The reason I don't smoke marijuana is (1) because it is against the law and (2) because I've never had any interest. I also happen to think drinking alcohol is fine and I don't do that either because it just doesn't interest me, even though it's perfectly legal.
One of the main reasons why I don't think smoking marijuana is wrong is because I've never seen a good argument against it and I don't just assume something is wrong until proven innocent, so to speak.
Granted, I don't go around searching for anti-marijuana arguments (why would I?), so maybe there are some out there and I just haven't run across them yet. But usually the arguments reason like this:
1) Marijuana can get you high.
2) Being high is bad.
3) Marijuana is bad.
2) Being high is bad.
3) Marijuana is bad.
In fact, this is just a bad argument.
The fact that marijuana can get you high doesn't mean it always does get you high. Drinking alcohol can get you drunk. But the fact that drinking alcohol can get you drunk doesn't mean it always does get you drunk. You can drink alcohol without getting drunk. Likewise, I assume, you can smoke some amount of marijuana without getting high. Now, having never smoked it, I don't know how much one would have to smoke it before getting high. But I'd imagine that smoking half a joint or even a whole joint isn't enough to intoxicate you.
If a person couldn't take a single puff of marijuana without getting intoxicated then I would agree: Marijuana is bad and shouldn't be smoked at all.
But it looks like the anti-marijuana crowd needs a modified argument:
4) Smoking marijuana has the potential to make you intoxicated.
5) Being intoxicated is sinful.
6) Anything that has the potential to cause intoxication is sinful.
7) Smoking marijuana is sinful.
5) Being intoxicated is sinful.
6) Anything that has the potential to cause intoxication is sinful.
7) Smoking marijuana is sinful.
This argument still looks bad. (6) looks like it's obviously false, insofar as many good things can lead to bad things (and even being intoxicated). For example, sex can lead to bad things, eating can lead to bad things, coffee can lead to bad things, and alcohol can lead to bad things (obviously I don't think there is anything wrong with alcohol, apologies to the teetotalers). But these are not themselves sinful things. Secondly, God created everything, including the marijuana plant as far as I know, and declared it to be good. But if (6) is true then I don't see how the marijuana plant can be a good thing for God to create since the plant has the potential to make you intoxicated.
Of course people may have responses to what I've said, but I think I have responses to those responses. Not something I really care about either way, just thought I'd throw in my two-cents for fun.