Lets look at an analogy right....In the Godhead, The Spirit does only what Jesus and said, and Jesus does only what the Father said; yet non is greater than the other. Some my look at this as the Father being the head and Jesus being greater than the Spirit..But they are one God; one Authority...
It is my OPINION (just looking for your thoughts on the matter) that women and men were created differently; for eg by very design women tend to be more influential and nurturing while men tend to be more decisive ...It doesn't take away the authority but causes they unit to work together more seamlessly
this has no bearing on the individual authority or spirituality, and its not about who cooks and who washes; it about something deeper an innate instinct
LOL... I know all my POWER Girls could drown me for this; but I am praying you understand where I'm coming from, if I'm not explaining properly
Excellent point.
Im not a neurologist nor a sociologist so I can't give an opinion on what actually happens in the brain etc.
In my marriage I am the emotional one compared to my husband. I can use that for blessing (empathy, compassion, caring, serving) or for sin (emotionally manipulating my husband and others). I have a logical side as well, otherwise how would I be able to problem solve and study my bible and other things.
If a problem arises that is relational in nature, I will probably focus on the emotional side of things. Thats why we have words like 'womens intuition' and 'gut instinct'. Its not necessarily logical but as we know that kind of knowledge we can't explain is quite powerful stuff, esp where it concerns raising children. If I see a problem that doesn't involve people and is more like a mental puzzle I use my logical side, like building something.
Another thing, I think this big question should be thought of another way. Women are more face to face socialising people whereas men are more shoulder to shoulder socialisers. Women typically can sit in a cafe for hours with another woman and talk about relationships and intimate feelings without there being an activity between them to keep them stimulated. Men typically NEED an activity to socialise with others, like sports, BBQ (making fire), building/fixing something. I don't know why this is, its just something Ive observed with everyone I know. Men strike me as very tunnel visioned people. They see a task and they get it done and they are focused on one thing as a time. Whereas women strike me as more peripheral visioned people. They look at possibilities, multiple things that can happen, who is involved. They look at the progress to the task more than the task itself. During a task, men talk about the task and their opinion about it. During a task women talk about how the task affects them personally.
Just a thought