Be understanding, supportive, encouraging and kind to yourself.
Pray to jesus for help and understanding.
maybe find things to do instead that you might find as much pleasure from but in a different way.
When I quit smoking I started crewchetting a lot and sucking suck lollies........
So replace the bad with something better for you.
Have conversations with Jesus.
I was molested
This alone leads to destruktive behavioures often but on top of that other things happened........that were hurtful
I also had sexual problems.I was promiscuous didnt give me pleasure but I was also used sexually and then was like a sexslave with sadistic sm done on me and I could not escape it and it was torture and rape of my soul.
It went on for several yrs.
Theres been other things, wont write of here.
I have also been in a porno (bad) was not sexing someone but was "just me"and has its reasons but God knows me and I admit where Im wrong and why Im wrong and I also know where Im not wrong but Im made to look like it was me when it was not.God knows this also.
I was also a stripper in younger days.
But I was like a programmed robot, a puppet on strings, a empty body....In a way it was my body just.My soul was not stripping nor was my spirit.Difference of that is as is.
(really "spillin me self here hey" )
All I wanted was love.
and sometimes just sometimes i got a touch of it through sex not in younger yrs but older yrs.
Now I am celibate and in deep conversations with Jesus and angels.
Think of Madonnas song "like a virgin".... Thats how Gods love makes me feel.
I would love a love/sex life one day but I want it to be intimate, in holy union (marriage), loving , respectful, private etc and till then I will to prayer and do my best to be my best.
Thought of movie sisteract, was a nice movie

and good musik.
Sex can be destruktive and a addiction and some use it to get power , some get sexually aroused by seeing someone in agony day after day .......It can be a sick, sick, sick thing
I wish us all a lovelife more than anything.
Lovelife b4 sexlife can blossom into lovemakinglife
I said to Jesus "Jesus I am yours" and I mean that with all my heart and soul.
I would rather be without sex and with Jesus than have sex all the time but no Jesus.....