The Bible says that God left the trees n birds n all creation around us to prove to us that he if someone asks who created all of this we say God because scripture says so
Clearly, people aren't reading the previous discussions before providing input, so I am just going to quote myself to deal with this claim.
"trees n birds" as well as the landscape we see around us were all created through natural processes for which we have massive amounts of evidence for.
Aztec scriptures says that humans came from corn seeds. Quetzalcoatl scriptures say that that humans were born of eagles and bears. Greek Scriptures tell us that Zeus creates lightning. Why should we be so inclined to believe any one of these claims if they all equally provide no evidence (and if anything, are incongruent with modern science)? Compared to Greek religion, we do have a lot of copies of Christian manuscripts. However, the Gospel was not collaborated as a whole all at one time. In fact, scholars believe that the first gospels weren't written down until the late first century - about 100 years after the death of Jesus. What is even worse, is that the stories were past down generations via hearsay (spoken word), which is known to be extremely fallible by nature. What is even worse is that we don't have full copies of the biblical manuscripts until the late 7th century early 8th century. What is even worse is that there are Thousands and thousands of discrepancies between gospels. Most of them are superficial, however many are meaning/ altering and some even detrimental to core Christian doctrines (the trinity, the atonement of sin, etc.). Even worse is that there are thousands and thousands of translation errors and inaccuracies. Whenever you translate something from one language to another, meaning is always lost - any of you who are bilingual (especially if you can speak latin or eastern languages) can attest to this. The bible we have today is probably very different from the original. But is this any less reason to believe it?
We all have standards that we use to determine whether claims we hear are true or false. We use these standards to asses claims of truth on a daily basis. If I came and told you that I had been abducted by aliens last night, would you belief me? Hopefully not. And your reasons for disbelief should be as follows 1) My claim is discredible because you do not know me personally; I could be a compulsive liar or suffer from delusions as a result of a profound brain disorder or susceptible brain states. 2) We don't observe observe alien abductions. Ever. Although I may profoundly believe that I was abducted by aliens, chances are, this is not what actually happened. But there are bigger problems with personal accounts and anecdotes...
Just like Aztec religion is based off textual accounts of miracles and supernatural occurrences are true, Christianity is also
based on the notion that the scriptural accounts for the miracles are true; Consequently, this is what you would have to reject to reject the religion of Christianity - You do not have to prove that the universe is absent of God, or that any of the thousands of dead Gods such as Zues, Rha, Thor, etc. are void as well. The truth is, even is we had multiple contemporaneous claims of the miracles of Jesus, this simply would not be good enough evidence - because miracle stories abound even in the 21st century.
The deputies of South Indian Guru Sathya Sai Baba ascribe all of the miracles to him: He reads minds, he can tell the future, he raises the dead, cures the blind, walks on water, born of a virgin, etc. Sathya Sai Baba is not a Fringe figure. They had a birthday party for him a few years ago and over a million people showed up just to see him. There are vasts amounts of people that think he is a living God.
So Christianity is predicated on the claim that miracle stories, exactly of the kind that are affiliated with Sathya Sai Baba today, become especially credible when you place them in the pre-scientific, religious context of the first century roman empire; decades after their supposed occurrence, as attested to by copies of copies of copies and translations of ancient Greek, and largely discrepant manuscripts. We have Sathya Sai Baba's miracle stories attested to by thousands and thousands of living eye witnesses, and they don't even merit an hour on cable television.
The Bible is no more evidence for God than Egyptian scriptures are evidence for Horus. Believe in God, as well as the veracity of Christianity as a whole takes faith - a believe without the support of evidence.