I think people learn behavior and self control as they mature. First is the example they see in the home as they are growing up. How they are treated --lovingly or harshly. They see how the important adults in their lives treat each other and other people. And finally, experience and consequences. Humans want to be accepted, loved, it;s just the way we are. We learn through experience how to be successful at it. A child from a dysfunctional home who is unloved and mistreated can go to Sunday School every day and hear about what the Bible says, but his environment is going to influence him the most.
How do you know that loving your fellow man, compassion and reason are moral things?
Reason is not necessarily related to morality. Morality is a choice of how we will behave toward others. By definition, love, compassion, kindness, empathy, etc describe good moral qualities.
Where is this taught other then the Bible?
In almost every group of humans worldwide throughout time. Love and kindness are not exclusive to Christians.
I suppose you could say these morals are also taught by many other religions and religious books, but did you know that many of our laws, concepts, and morals are based out of the Bible?
How do you explain laws, concepts and morals in places that do not use the Bible as a guide? Rather than the Bible being the source, which is obviously not true, since morals arise where people have never heard of the Bible, or before the bible was written, I would suggest the Bible reflects the wisdom of humanity distilled over time. This is why almost every civilization that has ever existed has prohibitions against murder, stealing etc.
If the Bible had never existed i honestly do believe that this world would be a completely corrupt place and no one would have morals, because we would be doing whatever pleased us. Without the Bible or religion in general, I don't believe that we would have morals, unless morals were based off of what we pleased, and in that case anything could be moral.
This is disproved by the fact that people have developed morals without the Bible all over the world. They codify this in their various religions, but human beings are not wild idiots, they certainly figured out what sort of behavior produces peace harmony and happiness and what behavior results in chaos and misery.
It's not rocket science.
In fact, this pessimistic view of humanity is one of the reasons I left Christianity.
So please do tell me what you base your morals off of, if they are not religious.
See above. Behaving in a way that is compassionate, kind, loving, honest, etc results in my being happier and people around me being happier. It's obvious.