So, I believe the Concave Hollow Earth Theory deserves a serious look. It may go against mainstream science, but so does the Creation story of Genesis.
Edmond Halley is one of the pioneers of the Concave Earth belief, he dedicated his life to science. He has a very interesting story, I think it would benefit people who are interested in science, to learn more about him.
A brief story of Edmond Halley from what I got from the net. Please don't take my word for it, since I didn't really fact check all this stuff. Edmond's dad was a successful business man selling soap and funded his son in his pursuits of science. I believe Halley's Comet was named after Edmond, he also funded Sir Isaac Newton, so his writings could be published and examined. Seems like a legit dude to me!
Edmon Halley was lead to believe that the earth is concave and hollow from his experiments. I'm sure there is more to his story, but that's a brief back ground on one of the pioneers of the Concave Earth Theory.
"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe".
This is a quote from the website I found to be very interesting. I'm far from an rocket scientist, so my understanding of the Concave earth is elementary at best. I have an open mind and believe it's more than possible, that this theory is true. Please have a look at this website, it may stir up the inner scientist in you.