During June and the summer months the sun and moon orbit the yellow circle:
If you are near the center of this circle you will see the sun revolve all day until it moves further away, and eventually when it is at the orange line you it will be continuous night/darkness because the sun is too far away.
This corresponds with this:
In Svalbard, Norway, the northernmost inhabited region of Europe, there is no sunset from approximately 19 April to 23 August, and no sunrise between November 14 and January 29.
Let me get a few ideas straight.
A sun, hundreds of miles across is circulating 3000 mile above the surface of a disc 14,000 miles across.
It has a circular orbit daily, which changes by getting larger through the year and then shrinking again
for some unknown reason. The distance of view is always about 4000 miles.
Some unknown reason light stops travelling after 4000 miles and it goes dark.
Now imagine the international space station goes over the whole earth every 1.5 hours approx.
To do this it must follow the same path approximately similar to the sun, and be about 400 km up.
Now it weighs about 419 metric tons approx. It has been in orbit almost 20 years.
But what keeps it up there?
Next question, the antartic in this model would be 44 thousand miles wide.
Now you can fly a plane all the way around and is 12 thousand mile long
Now how many times would one have to deny the reality of a flat earth over
the globe view for the flat earth view to become accepted?
This is like saying gravity does not exist we are pushed onto the earth rather
than pulled. Now it is easy to prove this is not true by removing all the push
material above an object, so a feather in a glass bell with the air excluded, it
still lays flat on the bottom of the jar. Equally when in you are in orbit around the
earth you are weightless, because the force pushing you away from the earth
equals the gravity pulling you towards the earth.