If you agree verse 1 is the topic, that mean the topic is rapture.
Than verse 2 (the day of the Lord) refer to rapture.
The phrase
"DOTL" (
used everywhere in Scripture)
NEVER refers to "Rapture [IN THE AIR],"
but rather
not merely 24-hrs in duration] of JUDGMENTs unfolding upon the EARTH, followed by an EARTHLY TIME-PERIOD [
also not merely 24-hrs in duration] of BLESSINGs unfolding upon the EARTH" (
THIS ^ is what they were not to believe ANYONE SAYING that it "
IS PRESENT [PERFECT indicative]" (
not merely "at hand /near").
This would REASONABLY "freak them out" to believe it IS PRESENT (v.2, in view of their PRESENT and ONGOING, VERY NEGATIVE *experiences* which
2Th1:4 Paul is acknowledging they ENDURE [presently]).
No one was telling them

.... but INSTEAD that "
the DOTL [earthly-located] time-period" is .
1. John and peter went to the market
2. They Will be back this afternon
They refer to John and peter
1. Let's talk about when the second coming and rapture.
V.1 - Paul BRINGING the Subject of
"RAPTURE" to their minds (their
distraught minds that were
"thinking" something ELSE)
2. Don't think that day of Christ is in hand
not "the day of Christ"
That day of Christ refer to ; the second coming and rapture. Not something else.
Even "the Day of Christ [UP THERE]"
occurs simultaneously with/alongside "the DOTL [EARTHLY time-period with its JUDGMENTs unfolding upon the earth]"--These are NOT IDENTICAL (tho occurring at the same TIME-PERIOD... DISTINCT *locations*

This text (v.2) reads: "the DOTL" not the other.
1. Give that monky Eat
2. He Eat banana.
He refer to monkey, not refer to a cat, or something else
the one split-second noun-event fits in relation to the other item which is a TIME-PERIOD [unfolding upon the earth].
The "split-second noun-event" comes *FIRST* before the TIME-PERIOD can unfold upon the earth (with its "man of sin" and ALL he will DO over the course of THAT TIME-PERIOD)
V.3 - "that day [the *earthly* TIME -PERIOD from VERSE 2] will NOT be present if not shall have come THE DEPARTURE/THE RAPTURE [IN THE AIR, from VERSE 1!] *FIRST*..." (ONE ITEM *FIRST*)
Once "the man of sin BE REVEALED," that TIME-PERIOD is ALSO in existence upon the earth (and this is at the START of the 7 yr trib [NOT its MIDDLE nor its END], BECAUSE 1Th5:2-3 ALREADY SAID that it *ARRIVES* like the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR]" that JESUS TOLD ABOUT already [Paul was not ignorant of Jesus' teachings on that Subject], and AT THAT POINT, MUCH MORE must ALSO transpire upon the earth!! ["the BEGINNING of birth PANGS [PLURAL]" that Jesus spoke of, are NOT THE MIDDLE, *nor* are they the END of that time-period... they are the START of it... i.e. what kicks it off! MUCH MORE "follows" those!])
Now, read the text like the following convo (instead of your "monkey" bit):
[you and I convo-ing in July] -
[I say] - "
1 Now about that
TURKEY DINNER at Aunt Martha's over in Timbuktu,
2 Don't be distressed by anyone telling you
THE CHRISTMAS MONTH is inexistence (the
TIME-PERIOD that Santa said he was going to let the
GRINCH'S ANTICS [throughout that whole month] happen to all the those others in Whoville [who are NOT RELATED TO US, and consequently DID NOT POSSESS *THE TICKET*
to Martha's HOUSE] EXPERIENCE... I know you are PRESENTLY experiencing "persecutions and tribulations," but that is NOT
3 THAT MONTH [the TIME-PERIOD from VERSE 2!] will NOT be in existence/be present if not shall have come THE BALL-DROP [event] *FIRST* [from verse 1!!] and [distinctly] 'the GRINCH' [be present to] start his antics!"
Now the problem enters when
*YOU* (reading MY LETTER to you ^ )
inadvertently READ INTO my words in v.3b (
in place of "THE BALL-DROP [event] *FIRST* [the SUBJECT from verse 1!] that I wrote)
[you READ INTO it an entirely DIFFERENT *IDEA*] by your thinking it refers [NOT to the "TURKEY DINNER" at Aunt Martha's over in Timbuktu
AT THANKSGIVING in NOVEMBER [where you'll be SPENDING more than just DINNER THERE that one day!!], BEFORE "the Christmas MONTH" TIME-PERIOD ARRIVES (with the "GRINCH" doing ALL he's slated to DO over the COURSE of "THAT [DECEMBER] MONTH TIME-PERIOD" (ALL of his ANTICS)]... when YOU *read INTO* my words
"THE BALL-DROP [event] *FIRST* [meaning, the "BUTTERBALL TURKEY" on AUNT MARTHA's SERVING PLATE in Timbuktu!]" to INSTEAD be meaning (you mistakenly *think*) "THE NEW-YEARS-EVE/NEW-YEARS-DAY BALL DROP in NY CITY [when Jan 1 (an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SUBJECT/EVENT/TIME-PERIOD) enters the picture]"...
But *I* wasn't talking about the moment that the "
BALL DROP in NY CITY" occurs.
*I* was talking about the moment of the "BALL-DROP [BUTTERBALL TURKEY dropping ON THE PLATE event (over in TIMBUKTU! on THANKSGIVING/NOVEMBER!!)]" which must happen *FIRST* BEFORE "the CHRISTMAS MONTH [TIME PERIOD] that the GRINCH has been given permission to WREAK HAVOC THROUGHOUT, can take place.
Can you see the misunderstanding now?
[my *example* is NOT to say I believe "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" is IN HEAVEN, it ISN'T... this is just EXAMPLE convo]
It is a matter of CHRONOLOGY and SEQUENCE [btwn TWO DISTINCT ITEMS} that Paul is addressing here.
But because you are EQUATING completely DISTINCT ITEMS, you fail to see the SEQUENCE/CHRONOLOGY. You are "jumping ahead" to NEW YEARS [/eve or day]!