I see your crazy Dan and will raise you a more incompetent South African government.
Lockdown started 23 March (if I remember correctly) and it was total lockdown. Meaning:
1) No business was allowed to open its doors during this time and we had to stay at home.
2) You were not allowed outside your home unless you were going to the shop to buy the essentials.
3) Wearing a mask is compulsory no matter where you go.
4) You could not do exercise outside your home. Technically you were not even allowed to walk the streets of South Africa. People got arrested for walking on the beaches even if they were the only ones there

5) No alcohol or cigarettes' were sold until recently (we are in August now).
6) They could not apply these rules in the townships so for them it was one long holiday... but millions are losing their income as a result.
7) The SA army was deployed as if we are in a warzone.
The aftermath of what these idiots did is:
1) Restaurants couldn't keep going because they couldn't open their doors for at least two months.
2) The ones that made it are struggling now if they have crazy landlords that is not accommodating with payment holidays for rent.
3) People lost their livelihoods over night.
4) Schools are slowly opening now and in some cases it is now the new normal to think you will have to redo 2020 in 2021. Fortunately sanity is prevailing in some schools and they are making an effort to catch up.
5) We are still in lockdown level 2 and not everything is back to normal.
While I am complaining there were some good stuff also happening during lockdown:
1) No traffic. Eerie as that may sound there were no vehicles on the road and if you had to drive somewhere it was a breeze.
2) Family time was awesome. We caught up with each other and God during this time.
Dan seems a bit out of the norm, but he is not a patch to the loons running South Africa, and the bigger loons voting for them.