No Dino - it is not arrogance. It is more like "love and concern" for the masses (especially Christian folks) who have been profoundly deceived - and, having no realization of it at all.
The 'glue' that makes the deception "stick" so well is none other than a person's own human pride.
Until a person is willing to accept the fact - not only that they can be so thoroughly deceived - but, that they have been so thoroughly deceived -- they will experience cognitive dissonance and most likely not be able to resolve the conflict.
I am only attempting to get people to "wake up" to the truth about the reality they live in.
I would encourage anyone and everyone to "swallow their pride" and consider the real possibility that they have been deceived by Satan "in a really big way"...
Do you believe the Bible?
How many things can you think of whereby Satan has deceived the whole world?
Revelation 12:
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
What are they?
(Yes, there is more than one - there are several.)
The 'glue' that makes the deception "stick" so well is none other than a person's own human pride.
Until a person is willing to accept the fact - not only that they can be so thoroughly deceived - but, that they have been so thoroughly deceived -- they will experience cognitive dissonance and most likely not be able to resolve the conflict.
I am only attempting to get people to "wake up" to the truth about the reality they live in.
I would encourage anyone and everyone to "swallow their pride" and consider the real possibility that they have been deceived by Satan "in a really big way"...
Do you believe the Bible?
How many things can you think of whereby Satan has deceived the whole world?
Revelation 12:
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
What are they?
(Yes, there is more than one - there are several.)
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