yup like I said 200 posts ago, when people questioned my intelligence,
I said there will come a time when the USA will strike a peace deal with Russia,
Anyone remember ?.
Well I think you'll find the time as come for the USA to sell Ukraine out,
Why ?
Well I think you'll find Ukraine owes the USA that much money for arms, that the USA now probably owns Ukraine 🙂.
Isn't that marvellous,
What's the bets Russia gets a share of oil and gas profits from now on in certain parts of Ukraine, oh and what's the bets so does USA, oh like for the next 100 years or so,
And guess what, after the peace deal, you'll all be suckered into thinking Ukraine has finally got its independence 🙂.
Hey maybe we might get
@Gideon300 tell us once more that those defending Ukraine are all saints 🙂