That's hilarious...and so classic Ukrainian that it's absolutely believable.
The people aren't exactly the most devious people in the world. But they are curious and adamant about getting what they pay for.
One of the unique characteristics of your average Ukrainian also is that they are ALL proficient at farming or gardening. Because purchased food is so expensive and wages are so low, most every Ukrainian has access to a garden for a good portion of their yearly groceries...and they are very proficient at it.
However, their gardens produce better quality than our American, Mexican, or Brazilian massively sized farms could imagine. Higher flavor profiles every time. Like the difference between a garden tomato and one from the grocery store.
The wheat and bread is always local and you can usually literally point to the wheat fields, the flour mill and the bakery in every city. Everything is local and high quality....the locals are not as enamored with it...they grew up eating this way and think us Americans have exotic and exciting lives.
Just saying...the people are so similar but different from us. I can really sympathize with them when the Russians invade and destroy their homes.