But there use to be no issue with prayer in schools, or with the Bible in school. Sadly it took one person to take the Bible out of schools. I think we should work to put it back in.
In what way?
I know school age kids who carry their bible in their backpacks and read it during lunch and/or recess.
There are public school libraries that carry the bible in their collections.
If parents want a to enmesh their school age child in a religious educational environment there are parochial schools for that.
If they prefer public school because their taxes pay for that regardless their child is still able to practice their faith there.
They can pray over their lunch, read their bible. And some schools even have bible study after school groups.
The is freedom OF religion in the US, not FROM religion. And there is no such thing of separation of church and state in the Constitution.
Totally false.
Doesn't matter, both are free to express their religion
How do you mean?
He calls everyone to His Son. No, not everyone will become a Christian, that stop our right to practice that religion. The founders definitely had Christian values in mind when they founded America.
He doesn't call everyone.
And while Christian values were part of our founding not all founders were Christian. Nor did they install a theocratic Christian government.
We know this because the first amendment insures freedom of religion. Not only the Christian one.
How does this have anything to do with the murder of 19 innocent children and 2 teachers? We know our way is the only way and we know why. No one is forcing that on anyone. There is freedom OF religion here.
According to you earlier there is no such thing as freedom of religion when you imagine there is no guarantee to be free from religion as well.
That's when you're sharing the gospel. Nothing to do with this situation.
What an odd comment. There is a reason God is on our money. God HAS been evicted from the public places and just because He is known to some children doesn't mean He is known to all. If they can have trans. people read to children, they can have prayer in school. Other religions want their prayers, let them fight for it.
What an odd statement.
They don't have to fight for it. They're already free to pray.
You missed the scripture where we're told when we pray pray in private. Not make a public spectacle like the pagans.
We must be stopped? Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. Freedom OF religion is. The gov't cannot make any one religion the state religion. But it also cannot interfere with our freedoms .
You need to read the American Constitution.
Ummm, American laws are founded on the Bible, as was this country.
No, we can't force anyone to serve God, but America was founded on the principles of the Bible. It was founded on Christianity. There was prayer and the Bible in schools, most colleges were founded by Christians. We have as much right to share our faith than any other religion. Most of the founding fathers were Christians. We don't have to hide what we believe.
It isn't a matter of hiding. It's a matter of not making public schools a church.
Anymore than Christians would tolerate it being made or implied to be a mosque, a temple, an ashram, or pagan sanctuary.
Every Christian knows, Christianity does not teach tolerance. If they don't know that they don't own a bible. Because the bible is full of that proof.
You argue bibles and prayer must be brought back into school when they're there.
What you're actually arguing then is primacy of the faith in schools.
And how arrogant is that to say if other religions want their prayer in schools let them fight for it.
In America that fight was won centuries ago.
That's why freedom of religion is an unalienable right. And freedom from religion is too. That's why the state cannot show nor afford or allocate a special privilege to one religion above all others. Nor install the tenets of any one religion into governance.
Americas government is secular. Not theocratic. That's why we are a free democratic constitutional republic.
"Nature and nature's God" "Creator", "Divine Providence", in our declaration of independence are general references not particular to any one faith. In fact religion is absent from the DoI.
The American Declaration of Independence makes it clear that governments created by humanity
derive their powers from the consent of the governed, not from God or any religions gods.
The Bible tells us to share our faith to whoever we meet. And there will be no peace until Christ returns.
No peace from zealot Christians?
If you're a Christian you example the gospel by your actions.
Even Jesus knew of the separation clause before it ever entered our Constitution.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's.
Do you prosthletize to everyone you encounter in public? Everywhere you go?
At my job every now and then a Christian will check out at my register. And just as they're leaving, they never stay to talk, they'll hand me a tract. They hand it over, say something about how I may find it interesting, and then go.
I find that to be incredibly arrogant and disrespectful.
They've done this I found out to every cashier at the store.
They don't know us but they presume according to their personal beliefs that we're damned.
All of us are Christian. But they think they're doing what you've claimed here.
As perfect strangers need to meet the Christian criteria just by inference that first assumes that perfect stranger is an imperfect damned sinner on sight.
That's not sharing the gospel. That's assuming to make half hearted arrogant effort of tossing a tract at someone and leaving. Job accomplished. Here, take this, I presume you don't know Jesus.Read it and be saved just in case you aren't.
They never ask if we know Jesus. It's a drop the tract and run.
We are indwelt by God's holy spirit. No government secures our faith for us. If we need government to impose our faith on the governed we're missing the points Jesus made against the governor's in the temple, who practiced their faith 9nly by permission of Rome's government for having paid a tax to the government. And Jesus teachings concerning Rome's government and authority .
Our God is the only way to salvation,yes. We have no right to insist all people in America concede to our faith practices in the public secular realm just by implication.
They do not have to agree to our public broadcast of prayer to our God over a school intercom system. Nor did Jesus say that is how we should pray. Because that method is of the pagans.
Prayer is still in public school. Private, as Jesus said it should be. And practiced by all others who are religious just not Christian.
Bibles are in school too. As is the Qur'an, and any other holy book should the faithful bring it with them.
You can be religious and in public school. You just can't expect to make public school a church,temple, mosque,etc... And 8my all members of the public there must consent to the primacy implied by a singular faith exercising their prayers or practices upon the gathered public.
Christian values were included in our founding, yes. However, America was not founded as a Christian nation.
Otherwise ours would be a Christian theocratic government. Not a free democratic constitutional republic whose first inalienable right guaranteed the governed is freedom to practice all religions.
We have but to reflect upon history and look to countries ruled under religious edicts even today to realize freedom for all in those conditions does not exist.
If it was ideal, u ion of church and state, our forefathers who were mostly Deist would have brought England's government to these shores.
Rather than wage a revolution against such a thing.
In England the church under authority of the state killed people who were not in compliance with the faith.
That's not freedom. That's tyranny.
God doesn't require government to make his truth official by law and practice.
The Elect of God, the names of those whom God will save written in his book of life, the lamb's book of eternal life, before the foundation,creation, of this world where he allows Satan to be lord, proves not all people are to be saved nor were intended as such by God himself.
We're wrong to think passing laws giving our faith a right over others is righteous. Conversion by force or concession does not save.
Rather, it looks like we're afraid of others practicing their faith without our permission or leave .
That's not an example of being secure in the faith. God is our refuge.