Well ,just got back on here, and its still the same old thing by the same people. This sight is called Christian Chat. Do you people EVER reed the word of God or do you just take it any way you wont it, if it fits what you would like it to say, then its ok, but if not then You make it out to be any thing that you like ,
.Wake up people , You are NOT God, and You Can Not change his word to be what you think it out to be, just because You don't like it. Did you read the End of the Book, you know that book called the Bible, where it tells you, I Quote And I solemnly declare to everyone that reads this book: IF anyone adds anything to what is written here , God shall add to him the plagues described in this book, And if anyone subtracts any part of these prophecies, God shall take away his share of the Tree Of Life, and The Holy City just described.Is there anything about that you just Don't understand ????? Have any of you red Leviticus ?? Lev. 18: 22, How about Romans ??? GOD Hates The Sin Of Homosexuality, and He does Not Care what you simple minded people think. God Is God And YOU Are Not .By telling some one that it is not a sin , there Blood is on your hands and You are Helping send Them to Hell. If you don't like whats in Gods word , take it up with him, I did Not right the Bible, There are many things that I wish were not sin in the eyes of God , but as a believer in Christ I can not pick out what I like, and set a side what I don't like. I don't know who side Many of you are on , but it must be your Father The Devil, for what you are saying is of this world and Not of Christ, By the way I don't care what you think of me, don't matter, there is a day coming , one of us is right, and one of us is on there way to HELL. And you better be right as to Who is on there way to where, you just bet your life on it. Good by to all of you, I pray the best for you.